Things that don't make sense about the Yeagerists!

Image taken from Villains wiki

The Yeagerists are, without any doubt, the main ground support for Eren. Even tanks need infantry to exploit the gains. That specific work is done by the Yeagerists. But there are a few things that just don't add up when we talk about them. Let's discuss these points without wasting much time.

1.) They served the fluid wine to their own people.

The members of the extremist group were former members of the Survey, Garrison or MP corps. They know what it is like to fight a Titan and former survey corps members even know about the pain of being a Titan. Also their motive was for "betterment" of the people of Paradis. But here is where things get a bit foggy. They , not only allowed but made sure , that Eldians on Paradis drink the spinal fluid injected wine.

Even though they were blindly supporting the Yeager brothers, this is far too extreme to let your own people become mindless monsters just to achieve their goals. This suggests that the group is anarchist and not revolutionary by any sense which takes us to our next point.

2.) They claim buy they don't care about life at all.

The sheer disregard of civilian and military life for the Yeagerists makes no sense for a revolutionary group by any means. Their main agenda was to create a safe world for the Eldians. But they divert from it entirely and set on to a path where even they are dying recklessly. It shows the incompetence of the Yeagerists in the political field. They are happy to lay their lives for a cause they don't properly understand! 

Yes it's true that revolutionary groups sometime endanger the lives of civilians, but the toll is shocking considering the group being highly trained and equipped. Which also takes us to our other point.

3.) They aren't politically stable.

Just recap a bit. At first the plan of the Yeager brothers was to restrict the reproduction of Eldians. The Yeagerists were happy with that. They were fighting for this cause to "SAVE THE WORLD, DESTROY ELDIANS". Now the plan changed, Eren has set out to trample upon the surface of the Earth and destroy everything. They are again fighting for it happily. And the cause is " TO SAVE ELDIANS, DESTROY THE WORLD". 

This is not considered to be a stable organization. Infact they are acting like a feather, they are flowing with the flow of the wind. This is something, fans can't digest about the Yeagerists.

4.) Floch's thoughts aren't similar to the thoughts of others, sometimes even to himself.

In the last episode we saw Samuel and Daz are fighting to liberate Eldians so that they can live freely in the world. But Floch was happy to slaughter all of the Azumabito if they didn't comply with them. Knowing that the Azumabito are allies, he still tried to use brute force to make them comply with him. This makes us rethink that maybe not all of the members of the group are anarchist but have a legit cause to liberate Eldians globally, and inhumanely.

Image taken from

5.) How did Pieck manage to break into the ranks of the Yeagerists?

This final point is the most confusing one. The mid-season finale of Attack on Titan sees Pieck break into the ranks of the Yeagerists and hold Eren prisoner. She prepares a fairly persuading set of words about how she wants to help Eldians too, prior to pulling a U-turn and showing Eren her genuine nature with Marley's successful counterattack.

While this was really very great on part of Pieck, the vast majority of viewers find it difficult to accept that the Yeagerists were so awful at profiling their positions that they didn't even notice such a significant and openly visible fraud. They even notice exactly how beautiful Pieck is(Yeah no one can deny the fact that she is beautiful), so the possibility that such a face would go unrecognized inside the group for such a long time is difficult to accept... particularly when she was in such close proximity to their leader also!

So it just proves that the Yeagerists are a flawed group, that can't even recognise who is theirs and who ain't.

Now a confession from my side. I am very confused about the Yeagerists and I just wanted to confuse you guys as well. So keep thinking and theorizing 😂😂😂😂. Sharing is caring 😁😁😁😁.
